Friday, December 11, 2009

Rachel Uchitel Riding High

That's Rachel Uchitel, Tiger Woods' alleged mistress number 1, riding the fame train with the paps in NYC this afternoon.

Rachel Uchitel spending Tiger Woods' money?

Source: Splash News RSS Feed

Tiger Woods Quitting Golf?

Tiger Woods is ready to hang up his golf clubs in a desperate last ditch effort to save his marriage, Britain’s The Sun reports in its Dec. 11 issue.

Woods — revered by many fans of the sport as the best golfer that’s ever lived — has told wife Elin Nodegren that he “will do anything” to save their 5-year marriage after being linked to at least 10 women in the last week; including two porn stars, a reality star, and a nightclub hostess. Elin, 29, has agreed to stay with the billionaire sportstar for the sake of their two young children; daughter Sam, 2, and 10-month-old son Charlie; but the pretty Swede is laying down the law with a tough ultimatum for Tiger: “It’s golf… or me!”
The beauty could get a $100 million if she files for divorce, but is insisting her wayward hubby put their marriage and two kids before his golf career to show his devotion.

“The easy thing for Elin to do would be leave him, take the children and get a divorce. She’d never worry about money again. She was close to walking out for good. She decided to stay for the kids’ sake – but on her terms….” says a Woods Camp squeal.

Elin has drawn up a strict list of rules for Tiger to follow if he wants to win her back, a pal reveals. For starter’s golf’s got to go; there’s no way Elin will allow Tiger to go off touring the Globe when he’s already proven he’s not capable of being trusted.

“They have agreed to try and rebuild their marriage, but Elin will be the one calling the shots. It will be a long time before he’s traveling the globe playing golf unless Elin’s by his side. Tiger will have to work long and hard to get her to trust him again. Quitting golf shows he is willing to sacrifice something he loves so much to protect his family…..”

Source: PopCrunch RSS Feed

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Carolina Ardohain knows how to sell soda

Despite the fact that not many of you voted for Carolina Ardohain in the 1978 post of our 30 years of sexy ladies I am still quite smitten with the lovely lass from Argentina. These photos of her on the beach selling a soft drink to the masses have done nothing to quench my thirst for even more of the lady known as “Pampita”. (Like how I tied that together there? I am such a wordsmith.)

Source: Blog of Hilarity RSS Feed

John Mellencamp’s son needs your help: Join Facebook group and singer will quit smoking

The power of the people could apparently push John Mellencamp to kick his cigarette habit.

John Mellencamp’s 14-year-old son Speck has started a campaign using a Facebook group that states: “I made a deal with my dad that if I get a 1,000,000 to join this group he will quit smoking.”

The group grew by the thousands yesterday, with more than 13,000 members by the evening. Many Facebook members posted encouragingSource: Celebrity Mound RSS Feed

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

British People Don’t Like Mimi or RiRi

What’s wrong with you Brits that you don’t fancy divas from this side of the pond? Rihanna’s Rated-R and Mariah Carey’s Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel are certified flops in the UK, entering the charts at a lowly #16 and #23, respectively (well, not so respectively). Looks like those X-Factor appearances didn’t do a damn thing for either singer’s album (and somewhat to our surprise, Mariah’s seam-popping decolletage didn’t add any chart buoyancy.)

So what do British people like?

Their own reality show stars, of course. Britain’s Got Talent’s Susan Boyle is sitting pretty in the top spot, while X-Factor boy band JLS is #2. Apparently the exception to this is the Black Eyed Peas, holding the #3 spot for the moment and perhaps readying to kick these TV show singers to the curb in the next few weeks.

To be fair to you Brits, we don’t seem to like ‘em much either—MC’s Memoirs peaked only at #3 on the Billboard 200 before a fairly rapid descent on the chart, and Rihanna’s album is projected to flop here, too.

Not one to contemplate failure as an option, Carey’s going right back to work: amid rumors about her leaving Def Jam, Mariah’s prepping a remix album of Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel. Her manager Chris Lighty Tweeted the news, adding that they’re working on a Target exclusive.

Is there a point in making a bunch of remixes for an album nobody listened to? Or do the powers that be think fiddling around with the tracks and appealing directly to the club scene will woo MC’s fans back into her arms? Good luck, Mimi. In case it doesn’t work out, you can always fall back on your award-winning acting career.

As for Rihanna, the message is pretty clear: given that the ratings for her 20/20 interview were sky high, it seems the American audience, at least, is more interested in listening to her depressing personal life than her depressing music. Drag. But probably nothing that a bona fide hit can’t fix. We’ll have to wait and see if any of Rated-R’s singles can get anywhere near “Umbrella”-like success.

Source: Idolator RSS Feed

Morning Brew: Monday, Nov. 30

Good morning!

Leave it to Beth Ditto to plug other lesbians in The New York Times. As this Sunday's featured Playlist interviewee, the singer shared one of her favorite new bands, Explode into Colors and said she knew them from around Portland. "It’s like six degrees of lesbianation," Ditto said of her home city. "There’s so much overlap." Portland and everywhere else, B. Ditty.

Explode Into Colors, Playing Six degrees of Lesbianation

We're not the only ones hoping for Gretchen and Claire to get together on Heroes. listed the Heroes roomies as one of the couples they'd like to see hook up. I'm already thinking of their couple name: Graire? Cletchen? Sweeps lesbian kiss that will likely lead nowhere? That's a little long.

Source: AfterEllen RSS Feed

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Will Smith's Son Jaden In 'The Karate Kid' Remake Alongside Jackie Chan!

Like father, like son, Will Smith’s son Jaden is ready to become a real actor. Jaden will be seen alongside Jackie Chan in a remake of the 1984 classic, ‘The Karate Kid’. The movie about an American boy named Dre Parker who moves

Source: RSS Feed

They say Keyshia Cole is pregnant… And we believe them!

R&B singer Keyshia Cole and her man Daniel “Boobie” Gibson of the Cleveland Cavaliers gave away turkeys and groceries to needy families at Bethany Baptist Church in Cleveland a couple of weeks ago. Now, that’s all fine and dandy, but homegirl’s belly definitely looks a bit rounder than usual … and she has been spending a lot of time in Cleveland lately. And let’s not forget how she’s been MIA these past few months, which makes everything add up to her being pregnant. Why else would she be hiding?

We’d also like to throw in this little gem we grabbed from our homie Necole Bitchie, which basically confirms it all.

“Necole, I am from Cleve and was at that event as a volunteer for one of the companies giving away food. And she is def pregnant. They were instructing people to shoot the upper body only. I saw it with my own 2 eyes. This event was in the Steeleyard Commons. And a guy that works in the Beachwood mall told us he had seen her in the LV store and she was big. And that was prior to me seeing her myself.” -viaSource: Gossip on This RSS Feed

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tiger Woods Rachel Uchitel Affair [Pics]

Tiger Woods is busy recovering from injuries he sustained when his Cadillac Escalade made an unfortunate merger with a tree and a fire hydrant outside the athlete’s Florida home Friday morning. But the golfer may have an even tougher time reclaiming his squeaky-clean public image, thanks to rumors that he’s been hamming it up with alleged Buss It Baby Rachel Uchitel?

Image Source

Tiger married Swedish model Elin Nordegren, now 29, in October 2004. Their daughter, Sam, was born in June 2007, and the young family just welcomed a son, Charlie, last February. But word on the Snitch Circuit claims the athletic ace has become embroiled in a cheating scandal — with a New York City party girl with a reputation for bedding married celebs at its center.

Tiger first met Rachel, 32, when she was working as an event planner and the director of VIP Operations for the Big Apple hotspot Griffin, Ashley Sampson, a friend of Rachel, reveals in the Dec. 7 of Star Magazine. Woods first flirted with Rachel by offering to show her a “good golf grip.”

“In June, she told me, ‘Tiger Woods is blowing up my phone messages!’” Ashley divulged. “Tiger thinks Rachel is staying quiet about their affair, but she told everyone. She told me, ‘I’m having an affair with Tiger Woods. We’re in love!’ I’ve heard him while she was talking to him on the phone and I recognized the voice,” Ashley added. “I said, ‘Rachel, he’ married,’ and she said Big (bleeping) deal! It’s Tiger Woods. I don’t care about his wife! we’re in love!’”

Rachel’s no stranger to cavalier dalliances with big names stars: The brunette was exposed as the Other Woman in a liaison with Bones star David Boreanaz during his wife Jamie’s recent pregnancy, Star Magazine snitched only weeks ago.

Although they’ve hooked up for tony trysts in secret locations — including Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and even Australia — it’s sexy text messages that Tiger, 33, can’t get enough of, Rachel blabs to pals.

“We have sex text,” the mistress chuckled in a clandestine chat with friends earler this month. “He’d ask Rachel things like, ‘What are you wearing? What do you want to do to me? What do you want me to do to you?’” says confidante-turned-informant Ashley. “She even read me text messages that Tiger sent her that said, ‘I miss you so much! I love you.’”

Rachel also bragged to friends that Tiger has promised to serve Elin with divorce papers as a first step towards building a life with her. A second tabloid source adds: “I know for a fact that Tiger and Rachel got together for four days in Los Angeles. She talks about their affair all the time. She thinks Tiger is going to leave his wife and marry her…..”

Source: PopCrunch RSS Feed

Cheryl Cole’s ‘3 Words’ Is Perfect Sleepy Holiday Muzak

Girls Aloud minx/X Factor judge Cheryl Cole debuted the music video for “3 Words” today, the second single off her same-titled U.K. solo album. Quite frankly, Cheryl and guest warbler aren’t breaking any new visual ground here, nor is the song as catchy as Cole’s previous offering, “Fight For This Love.”

That said, quiet dance jam “3 Words” does manage to nicely soundtrack a day of stuffing yourself with cold leftovers and vegging out on the couch. So hop below the jump and give “3 Words” a spin or two. (And don’t forget the gravy.)

Source: Idolator RSS Feed

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Goon update

It's been a while since we heard that Eric Powell's great horror-noir comic THE GOON is coming to some sort of life, courtesy of producer David Fincher and a whole lot of computer animation. So where is it? "I just finished writing the script a few months back," Powell tells CBR. "And [animation studio] Blur is working on a lot of test stuff. Fincher is working on a film right now, so we're waiting for... ...

Source: RSS Feed

“Glee” On Hiatus Until April

Bad news, Gleeks: FOX announced its 2009-2010 mid-season schedule on Tuesday and it looks like the return of ratings titan American Idol will spell the end of Glee — at least for a while. The campy musical hit will take a break from new episodes from Dec. 9 to April 13 to make room on the schedule for the network’s juggarnaut singing competition.

Source: PopCrunch RSS Feed

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hayden Panettiere did naughty things

Some guy named Tyler Shields (my latest hero) got Hayden Panettiere to do some mock fellatio on a machine gun for a photograph. He also had her spray champagne all over her hot little midget body and took a video of it. Yeah… I am totally in the wrong line of work. I just hope that Tyler diesn’t get into any trouble for giving a minor alcohol. Hate to see a guy be punished for bringing so much joy to the world.


Source: Blog of Hilarity RSS Feed

Tai Babilonia Goes Nude On Ice For PETA

There will be no sequined costume for champion figure skater Tai Babilonia tomorrow — in fact, there will be no costume at all.

As part of PETA’s iconic “Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur” campaign, the two-time Olympian will skate on the ice rink at Rockefeller Center wearing just a tiny flesh-colored thong, and carrying a sign across her chest. The champion skater is stripping off to encourage shoppers to cross fur off their Black Friday shopping lists.

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Source: Celebrity Mound RSS Feed

Recession? Someone Forgot To Tell Diddy-He Spends $3M On His BDay

Someone forgot to tellDiddy there was a recession. He spent a whopping $3M on his birthday. Yep ! I said his birthday party. Not one to scrimp he had it at the Plaza and invited 500 people. He spent $30,000 on an orchid arrangement.

Guests — included Jay-Z, Bono, Nelly, Martha Stewart, Christy Turlington, Zac Posen, Kim Kardashian and Denzel Washington and there was a performance by Al Green.

Imagine how much he could have helped his community with this money, how many homeless people it would have fed.Diddy is a disgusting no talentnarcissist. Photo: Flynet Pictures

Source: Celebrity Dirty Laundry RSS Feed

Freddie Prince Jr. Joins “24″

Prince will join Kiefer Sutherland as the leader of field operations at NYC’s reconstituted CTU in season 8 of the Fox drama (premiering January 17).

“We’ll answer the question: What does a good guy do when he’s squeezed by circumstances beyond his control?” said executive producer Howard Gordon.

Source: GossipBoulevard RSS Feed

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Gerard Butler Mocking Michael Jackson

Even sexy celebrities with cool accents are lame sometimes.

What in the fire made Gerard Bulter think that recreating the Michael Jackson ‘Blanket out the window’ incident was funny? While I do find this incredibly not funny and a painful insight to Gerard’s real personality, I don’t find it particularly offensive..but I bet alot of people do.

Source: Hollywood BackWash RSS Feed

Ava Jackman Hitches a Ride

Ben King/Startraks

Hugh Jackman looks a bit surprised to see photographers while out and about with daughter Ava Eliot on Tuesday in Manhattan.

The actor, who’s currently starring in Broadway’s A Steady Rain, was taking his 4-year-old out for ice cream — Ava enjoyed a vanilla cone topped with mini-M&Ms!

Hugh and wife Deborra-Lee Furness are also parents to son Oscar Maximilian, 9 ½.

Posted in Dads, Kids, Main

Source: Celebrity Baby Blog RSS Feed

Will Katie Holmes tell the world about Tom Cruise’s secret XenuMobile?

We forgot to celebrate it yesterday, but November 18th was Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ third wedding anniversary. And they said it wouldn’t last… because it probably won’t. Anyway, Star Magazine and Us Weekly decided to throw TomKat a little anniversary party, otherwise known as “Katie’s $15 Million Tell-All” and “Katie’s Regrets”. Star is claiming that Katie’s “contract” was only for three years (seriously?) and now Katie is a free agent, so she’s going to write Source: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

NCIS Tracks Down Tony’s Father

If nothing else, NCIS’ upcoming 150th episode will be long remembered for one thing; introducing us to Tony’s dad!

Veteran actor Robert Wagner, (Yes the former Jonathan Hart himself, from “Hart to Hart”) has been cast as the dad of Michael Weatherly’s TV sleuth. Father and son will reunite in NCIS’ milestone episode, slated to air on CBS, in January.

Source: GossipBoulevard RSS Feed

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The 9 most fatal flaws of beloved movie characters

We’d always like to imagine our heroes are invulnerable. But no matter how tough you are, fictional or not, odds are that there’s some quirk which will make you crumple like a drunken game of Jenga. Here are the fatal flaws of nine of your favorite movie characters.
Indiana Jones – Fear of Snakes

OK, so you’re afraid of snakes. Like deathly afraid of snakes. Why choose a profession that you will have to deal with snakes on a day to day basis like archaeologist? You knowSource: Blog of Hilarity RSS Feed

College basketball refs and conspiracies

The growing trend amongst gamblers has been “Stay away from college basketball”.

Maybe it was because it seemed like refs called too many fouls on the visiting team.
Maybe it was because Ed Hightower officiated every game.
Maybe it was because Tim Donaghy had a brother as a NCAA ref (not true).

Or maybe, just maybe, these guys just suck at their job.

An examination of 365 major conference games played during the 2004-05 college men’sSource: Blog of Hilarity RSS Feed

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Brunch with Paris Pickard ("Brunch with Bridget," Episode 84)

This week, Bridget brunches with actress Paris Pickard, one of the stars of the upcoming lesbian film A Marine Story. They talk about doing tongue tricks, working on both sides of the camera, and those Paris Hilton rumors.

Making their debut this week are Jessica and Seth, two passive-aggressive puppet pals. Hopefully, you'll like them more than they like each other.

And, of course, it wouldn't be Brunch without Dance Magic!

Brunch with Paris Pickard (Brunch WithSource: AfterEllen RSS Feed

Shayne Lamas DUI; Lamas Arrested For Driving Drunk

Reality star Shayne Lamas was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol early Saturday morning.

The former star of The Bachelor, who will appear on the upcoming reality show Leave It to Lamas, tells E! News she intends on taking full responsibility for her choice to drink and drive.

“Early Saturday morning, after consuming one drink, I willingly drove through a mandatory check point on my way home with complete confidence of passing. However, the Source: PopCrunch RSS Feed

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Revolution Foods: School Lunches and Snacks Done Right!

Revolution Foods

We’re big fans of the work that Revolution Foods is doing. Started by co-founders Kristin Richmond and Kirsten Tobey, the social minded company serves over 35,000 healthy lunches each day to children in schools throughout the United States.

But we were even more excited to hear they’ve launched a line of healthy snacks and sandwich spreads that any parent can buy. Now packing a healthy and organic lunch for your child is a whole lot easier.

Source: Celebrity Baby Blog RSS Feed

Taylor Lautner's Plastic Pal

Even Taylor Lautner's action figure has a six-pack!
The Twilight star is the latest to be immortalized forever in jean shorts...and, of course, no shirt.
The doll, which is set to go on sale Feb. 2010 to coincide with the New Moon DVD release, is priced at $24.95.
Click Here To See KStew And RPattz's Dolls

Source: Splash News RSS Feed

Friday, November 13, 2009

Is Jho Low Just a Front for the Real Money?

Taek Jho Low, a 20-something Wharton grad has been making headlines as big-spender who drops hundreds of thousands at New York's clubs and flies starlets to Vegas. But sources now say he is a surrogate for someone more secretive.

Since summer people in the nightclub industry had been talking about a big spending arms dealer who was keeping them afloat with his profligate spending. When the Post broke this story about Jho Low, and his cavorting with Megan Fox, it was assumed that itSource: Defamer RSS Feed

NeNe and her Husband do Vegas… And She Doesn’t Look Half Bad

RHOA’s NeNe hosted a party at Tao nightclub in Vegas last night, and she brought Geritol Greg along to party the night away.  Pop the top for more flicks of your girl NeNe on the scene.

Source: Bossip RSS Feed

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Michael Jackson’s funeral topped $1-million

Michael Jackson's casket

In proof that his farewell was done in a style that befitted his stature, the LA Times is reporting that Michael Jackson’s lavish farewell last September cost over $1-million.

The elegant Forest Lawn crypt in which he’ll now spend eternity, surrounded by some of Hollywood’s most enduring elite ran to $590,000, and another $35,000 was spent on his clothes, so new court documents prove.

“It was Michael Jackson,” Michael’s long-timeSource: Hot Momma Gossip RSS Feed

Jennifer Lopez Home Videos Won’t Be Made Public

The most hotly-anticipated home video of 1999 just got the kibosh — a judge granted singer Jennifer Lopez a temporary restraining order yesterday barring ex-husband number 1 Ojani Noa from releasing intimate home videos taken during their 11-month marriage. The NY Daily News says

Noa, 34, was in court without a lawyer and claimed after the ruling it was never his intention to sell the steamy camcorder footage.

He said he planned to make a Borat-style mocumentary about his lifeSource: Yeeeah! RSS Feed

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Joss Stone: “everyone smokes weed;” people are lying if they say otherwise

Joss Stone is one of those singers I used to like. Until she started talking. While she’s only semi-famous in the U.S., in the U.K. she’s a big deal. She definitely has a bit of influence and an audience. Joss’ latest pearl of wisdom: pot is not a drug, it’s an herb. Okay other people have said that, no big deal. But here’s the best part. According to Joss, everybody smokes pot. That’s right, everybody . The pope? High as a kite right now. And anyone who says they don’t is a bigSource: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

Jay-Z “If Beyonce Is Cheating Then So Am I”

After Camel saw those pictures of Julius with Beyonce, he immediately canceled tour dates and headed to dinner with a nice looking chocolate piece. The forbidden couple hurried through the back entrance of a restaurant, but were captured by the paps.

Pop the top for a look at Joe Camel’s new mistress

Source: Bossip RSS Feed

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Carrie Prejean admits to sex tape, calls it ‘biggest mistake of my life’

For all you can say about Carrie Prejean, the adjectives “hypocrite,” “self righteous,” and “narcissistic” coming immediately to mind, she sure knows how to promote herself. Prejean is currently shilling her now ironically titled book Still Standing: The Untold Story of My Fight Against Gossip, Hate, and Political Attacks in light of the news that a sex tape has emerged in which she is the only star. Last night Prejean was on uber-tolerant Fox show Hannity and not only did Source: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon and Her Curly-Haired Cuties

Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic

It was a family day out for Garcelle Beauvais-Nilon and her boys on Saturday!

The actress, husband Mike Nilon, and their fraternal twin sons Jaid Thomas (l) and Jax Joseph (r), 2, attended the March of Dimes Celebration of Babies event, held at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, Calif.

There was one family member missing though — Garcelle’s eldest son, Oliver, 19, stayed home!

Posted in Dads, Kids, Main, Multiples

Source: Celebrity Baby Blog RSS Feed

Monday, November 9, 2009

Jon Gosselin criticized for letting kids on ATV; got rejected by Nutrisystem

Jon Gosselin was photographed doing daddy duty in Pennsylvania over the weekend. The father of eight pulled a Britney and put one of his sextuplets on his lap without a helmet as he drove around his property on a huge ATV. Safety advocates are up in arms over this, and say that children under six (the sextuplets are five) should never be on an ATV and that two people shouldn’t ride an ATV because it’s unsafe. What I want to know is, how can a six year old be expected to safelySource: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

Coco: I have breast implants, but not butt implants

Media Outrage has an interview with Coco (Nicole Austin) , Ice-T’s wife. I’m not really sure why Coco is famous beyond her marriage to Ice-T, other than her spectacular displays of her ample… bosom and badonkadonk, I guess we’ll say. Coco isn’t the classiest chica out there, but she’s not really trying to be, so mission accomplished. In the interview, Coco brags about her website (NFSW), and she says that her big plans for the future include a fitness DVD and all of theSource: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

Angelina Jolie’s “Salt” Teaser Trailer

Columbia Pictures has revealed the first teaser trailer for their action-thriller “Salt“.

In the film, Angelina Jolie stars as Evelyn Salt, a CIA officer who swore an oath to duty, honor, and country. When she is accused by a defector of being a Russian sleeper spy, Salt goes on the run to clear her name and ultimately prove she is a patriot. Using all her skills and years of experience as a covert operative, she must elude capture and protect her husband or the world’s mostSource: FilmoFilia RSS Feed

TV Patrol: The Tudors!

The heads are piling up.

Showtime has finally announced that The Tudors will return for it's 4th & final season on April 11th at 9pm. King Henry Vlll is running out of wives, with only two left (Catherine Howard & Catherine Par), historically the show must come to an end. Creator Michael Heist will be the writer for these final ten episodes. I wonder if that festering, nasty leg wound of his will finally heal & that'll be the real finale.

Here are some other shows we'll see in Source: TVgasm RSS Feed

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Did Tom Cruise offer to personally “beat the living [bleep]” out of disobedient Scientologists?

Cruise’s lawyer and church spokesmen vigorously dispute the claim, but a former high-ranking Scientologist official says he “documented” that church leader David Miscavige once asserted that Cruise would lend his “Top Gun” muscle to do just that.

Marty Rathbun, once one of Miscavige’s most trusted lieutenants, tells us he has a witness who can corroborate his account of a bloody beating at the church’s 500-acre compound in Hemet, Calif. Furthermore, he’s brought it toSource: Celebrity Mound RSS Feed

A Gossip Girl Threesome?! (Video)

A Gossip Girl threesome!! Yes! This show is about to get interesting! The November 9th episode is set to shake things up a bit and we have the details and video here!

A Gossip Girl threesome had been confirmed for the November 9th episode. Three of the MAJOR characters will all be in bed doing the nasty – together. Just when you thought this show was getting boring with bids for pictures and stuff.

I am so glad they are spicing things up – this startedSource: Right Celebrity RSS Feed

Friday, November 6, 2009

Gwen Stefani Is Just A Girl And No Doubt an Idiot, Too

Band Hero promised to be a hit this holiday season.  The video game has sixty popular songs with avatars of the well-known artists and band members.  Unfortunately, the game allows the avatar that represents Gwen Stefani to “perform” other songs.

Basically, Gwen doesn’t want to be electronically singing songs that aren’t hers.  The lawsuit specifically states, “”Honky Tonk Woman … results in an unauthorized performance by the Gwen Stefani avatar in a male voiceSource: The Evil Beet RSS Feed

Eclipse teaser poster

The suspense is over, the teaser poster for ECLIPSE is here. So, there wasn't much suspense for it, but those who are interested get a peek. I can't say that it does anything for me. It's exactly what you might assume a poster for ECLIPSE would look like, it's a picture of an eclipse. Then again, it is just a teaser poster. I prefer it to some of the other posters from the TWILIGHT saga. Don't expect for the... ...

Source: RSS Feed

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kate Winslet wins $40,000 in a weighty UK court battle

Whatever you do, don’t call Kate Winslet a liar. Yesterday the Oscar winner won a lawsuit in British courts against the Daily Mail, which claimed she had lied about her workout regime, or lack thereof.

The lawsuit came after the Daily Mail published an article earlier this year titled “Should Kate Winslet win an Oscar for the World’s most irritating actress?” The story featured shots of her naked in films to dispute an earlier statement she has made about going easy on herself Source: AfterEllen RSS Feed

DJ AM's Show Gets Yanked Off Primetime

MTV yanked DJ AM's show, Gone Too Far from its primetime schedule, and moved it to Thursday nights at 11PM. Only three episodes have aired, and it's done so poorly that MTV has already replaced it's time slot with reruns of CMT's World Strictest Parents...OUCH.

Sucks that his show did so poorly, sucks even more that he's dead. So much for the "responsible" programming mandate....

Source: TVgasm RSS Feed

Gisele Bundchen Can Fly

Gisele Bundchen has been taking intensive helicopter lessons for months in a bid to secure her pilot’s license, and her tutor insists she’s a natural in flight.Shoreline Aviation president Keith Douglass tells, “Gisele hasn’t finished her license yet, but she did pass her written exam. Now, there’s one more step along the way, the practical exam, which is coming up in another week.”(She) has been doing an excellent job. She’s very dedicated. She flies at least threeSource: Feed Me Gossip RSS Feed

Kirstie Alley Lands Her Own Reality TV Show

It was only a matter of time: Kirstie Alley is getting her own reality series at A&E.The cable network has ordered 10 episodes of the as-yet-untitled show, which will follow Alley’s up-and-down journey with weight loss and life as a single mom of two. She last starred in the Showtime comedy series “Fat Actress.”Alley will join A&E’s stable of reality celebrities including Dog the Bounty Hunter, Gene Simmons and, this December, Steven Seagal.According to the network, Alley’s showSource: Feed Me Gossip RSS Feed

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Look At This Mess…

It’s your BFF, Rupaul. The big cross-dresser came out for Jimmy Choo for H&M in West Hollyweird last night. Rashida Jones, Garcelle “can’t get enough paparazzi” Beauvais, M.I.A. and more under the hood.

Source: Bossip RSS Feed

Katie Holmes escapes from Xenu temporarily, signs on to new film

Here are some cute pictures of Katie Holmes bidding adieu to Tom Cruise over the weekend in Boston. Tom looks a little sad, but Katie seems to have a spring in her step, doesn’t she? She’s standing up straight, she doesn’t look so zombie-esque (scratch that - she still looks like a zombie, actually), and she seems physically more dominant than Tom. What led to this change in everybody’s favorite robot?

Katie just signed on to a new movie! Not only will she be taking theSource: Cele|bitchy RSS Feed

Monday, November 2, 2009

How Ashlee and Mischa Can Get Their Groove Back

How Ashlee and Mischa Can Get Their Groove Back

‘Web Snob’ Reese Witherspoon, Zahara Jolie Pitt, Beauty Tips & More!

Nicole Richie Protection from Two Paparazzi

Regis And Kelly 2009 Halloween Show Video Clips

What Robert Pattinson In Your Panties?

Top Ten Celebrity Scandals!

Lindsay Lohan Has A Gun Pulled On Her

The Kardashian sisters will promote anything

Photo: Flynet Pictures

Source: Celebrity Dirty Laundry RSS Feed

Christina Aguilera & Max Are So Bony (Photos)

Christina Aguilera and son Max were a bit inside out on Halloween evening.

For a night of trick or treating, the pop star and her young son both wore skeleton outfits as they hit up houses for sweet sweet candy in Los Angeles. Dad Jordan Bratman, drove the boney pair to various houses and may or may not have been the ghoul following them (see pic below) or maybe that was just a festive bodyguard. Check out more pics below.


Source: FameCrawler RSS Feed