Friday, December 11, 2009

Tiger Woods Quitting Golf?

Tiger Woods is ready to hang up his golf clubs in a desperate last ditch effort to save his marriage, Britain’s The Sun reports in its Dec. 11 issue.

Woods — revered by many fans of the sport as the best golfer that’s ever lived — has told wife Elin Nodegren that he “will do anything” to save their 5-year marriage after being linked to at least 10 women in the last week; including two porn stars, a reality star, and a nightclub hostess. Elin, 29, has agreed to stay with the billionaire sportstar for the sake of their two young children; daughter Sam, 2, and 10-month-old son Charlie; but the pretty Swede is laying down the law with a tough ultimatum for Tiger: “It’s golf… or me!”
The beauty could get a $100 million if she files for divorce, but is insisting her wayward hubby put their marriage and two kids before his golf career to show his devotion.

“The easy thing for Elin to do would be leave him, take the children and get a divorce. She’d never worry about money again. She was close to walking out for good. She decided to stay for the kids’ sake – but on her terms….” says a Woods Camp squeal.

Elin has drawn up a strict list of rules for Tiger to follow if he wants to win her back, a pal reveals. For starter’s golf’s got to go; there’s no way Elin will allow Tiger to go off touring the Globe when he’s already proven he’s not capable of being trusted.

“They have agreed to try and rebuild their marriage, but Elin will be the one calling the shots. It will be a long time before he’s traveling the globe playing golf unless Elin’s by his side. Tiger will have to work long and hard to get her to trust him again. Quitting golf shows he is willing to sacrifice something he loves so much to protect his family…..”

Source: PopCrunch RSS Feed

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