Monday, June 15, 2009

Miley Cyrus Denies Hanging Up On Radio DJs In Florida

Miley Cyrus is denying that she abruptly end a telephone interview with a morning radio show in Florida on Friday after the DJ quizzed her about the controversial comments recently made about her by Oscar-winning actor Jamie Foxx.

The Ray star was forced to issue a public apology to The Cyrus Family in April after joking the 16 year old should “make a sex tape… do some heroin… and become a lesbian” on his satellite radio show.

The Foxx Affair was listed as one of the questions interviewers were banned from asking the teen star about.

Nonetheless, Miley denies she hung the phone MJ broached the subject to ask if she had ever received a personal apology from Jamie — chalking the incident to time constraints.

Writing on her page, Miley explained: “There’s a little drama (of course the world loves it) because apparently I “hung up” on a radio station today and I hate to say that’s not true. I (have) a specific time limit and schedules are set up for specific time frames for each station… If a station goes over time I am IMMEDIATELY connected to the next station. YES, I am sorry if anyone thought I ‘hung up” on them. The peeps at the radio stations r friends, we know each other well and have a great relationship. I’m sorry if anything was miscommunicated, taken out of context, or misunderstood.”

Source: PopCrunch RSS Feed

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