Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sam Is No Match For Lindsay’s Love Claws

Lindsay Lohan has apparently won back her ex-love Samantha Ronson. The self-tanner sales lady trekked all the way to London to hover around Sam until she gave in to her needy ways, and it looks like it worked. A source says, “They haven’t started fighting yet, but they are back together as far as Lindsay is concerned. Lindsay has been doing so much better and has been giving Sam her space.”

Er, not according to this mysterious tweet from Lindsay herself. We have a hunch it’s about her beloved, and it doesn’t sound like there’s much space involved.  She writes on Twitter, “Leaving London but with my favorite favorite!!!-travel buddy&great news to share!! Maybe…. ;)”

Want more proof? Lindsay was spotted stomping into Sam’s house yesterday in some tall blue boots and barely-there booty shorts. [Photo: Splash News Online]


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